Danielle + Jessie + Holly

There’s nothing quite as wonderful as spending the afternoon with an old friend, and getting to know a new one. Danielle and I have been friends since we met at a speech and debate conference in 2007. She has such a heart for God, and is undeniably gorgeous in looks and spirit. We met up in downtown Austin this past week along with my new friend Jessie Shaw.

Danielle and Jessie have known each other since they were kids, however Jessie and I only officially met a couple weeks ago through mutual friends. We quickly bonded over a cup of coffee and good conversation. We had such a wonderful time, I felt like Jessie and I had been friends for years. I miss these girls already, and am already looking forward to being back in Texas to see them!

  1. Jessie says:

    These are fabulous photos, Holly. 🙂 I so enjoyed meeting you too! Agreed, felt like we’d known each other forever. Looking forward to more fun Austin coffee dates and photo walks with y-o-u!

  2. […] Holly is gorgeouuusss too. Beautiful lady.  She used to live in Hawaii, which rocks my socks off. Holly took most of the photos during our mini session which was awesome because I got to set down the camera and get some valuable experience on the other side of the lens. […]

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Photos by john & holly Louis


COPYRIGHT Birdsong louis photography 2019